I am not asking how to use or modify the HTML block that is in samples from page builder. I am asking if Anyone knows how to put it back if by someway it was deleted or damaged in the database. How do i add the Html Block Back if it has been altered or damaged in a way that causes it now to show up in the page blocks builder? I know its in my database under sys_compose_page somewhere but i believe it would be a lot of unnecessary work to look through it all. Is there a way to just add the block back as a new one so it shows up in my page blocks builder? Im not sure if this is even making any sense as this is a hard question to ask in a clear manner. Please help. I have asked boonex for help and they tell me that my site has been modified so they cannot help me. I have lost my custom html block which means i cannot make any new pages into my site and add custom content into them. I have users on my site or else i would reinstall dolphin/database and start over but that option is not available to me to do now. If anyone knows how i can change that block back or even better, how to add it to dolphin to begin with or even refresh my sys_page_compose table so that it has in it the original sample HTML block please let me know.