Deanos Facebook Connect Support - part 3

12 Jan 2013


Hey Deano. I just upgraded to OSHO. I am trying to uninstall 4.1.0 and install 4.1.2. I am getting the following error

Uninstallation of: Deanos Facebook Connect Failed
-- Changing database:
-- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
-- -- Error:
ALTER TABLE `Profiles` DROP INDEX `dbcsFacebookProfile`;
-- -- Error:
ALTER TABLE `Profiles` DROP `dbcsFacebookProfile`;
I have looked in the Profiles table but do not see any dbcsFacebookProfile entries. Also, I did a search for all dbcs language keys and removed them from the Language settings. There were quite a few.

Any other ideas? Thanks!

 This has nothing to do with the languages so removal of those at this stage may cause further removal problems.

This one is caused due to a incorrect removal order of the profile fields in a previous version.

The fix is simple. Just run the following 2 queries in phpMyAdmin to reinsert the fields.

ALTER TABLE `Profiles` ADD `dbcsFacebookProfile` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `Profiles` ADD INDEX (`dbcsFacebookProfile`) ;

Then run the uninstall again.
12 Jan 2013


Nevermind...I got it uninstalled. I edited the Uninstall.sql script to exclude the Alter table commands and it took it out the list successfully.


Well that works too, but make sure you put those back in the uninstall.sql because leaving them out will cause a future problem the next time you try to remove and reinstall
12 Jan 2013

Please see post above yours. I resolved it.

Also, lines in are now 313 and 357 for adding facebook connect button

12 Jan 2013

I did uncomment the two lines out and saved again. So I am good for next uninstall.

Thanks bud!

12 Jan 2013


Please see post above yours. I resolved it.

Also, lines in are now 313 and 357 for adding facebook connect button

I am aware lines change for each version. I don't update the line numbers for every single copy of dolphin(The line numbers are approximate). It would make the instructions 10 times longer and harder to follow then they already are if i include specific line numbers for every version of dolphin.
12 Jan 2013

I can understand that. Was just looking out for it for you in case you were intending on changing them but got too busy to check.

Thanks again for your help and great product.

12 Jan 2013

Just wondering if age checking and blank nicknames has been fixed??


25 Jan 2013


Just wondering if age checking and blank nicknames has been fixed??


Age checking has been added to the next version, but i am still trying to track down the problem with the nicknames. So far i have still not been able to reproduce it to find out whats happening.
25 Jan 2013


i am still trying to track down the problem with the nicknames

 I've never had problems with nicknames; the date thing is important though! Well for adult sites.. lol

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
25 Jan 2013



Just wondering if age checking and blank nicknames has been fixed??


Age checking has been added to the next version, but i am still trying to track down the problem with the nicknames. So far i have still not been able to reproduce it to find out whats happening.

 thanks... not sure if there anything I can give to you to help... it's been a couple days now and I haven't had one join... I cam semd you the debug DB error messages that are associated with the Insert NickName ''  ??

oh I forgot about this  too.. anything for a solution about joins using a mobile #?

25 Jan 2013



oh I forgot about this  too.. anything for a solution about joins using a mobile #?

Yes. Working on that as well. I will be forcing a prompt for a proper email address when a number is detected in the email address field.
25 Jan 2013




Just wondering if age checking and blank nicknames has been fixed??


Age checking has been added to the next version, but i am still trying to track down the problem with the nicknames. So far i have still not been able to reproduce it to find out whats happening.

 thanks... not sure if there anything I can give to you to help... it's been a couple days now and I haven't had one join... I cam semd you the debug DB error messages that are associated with the Insert NickName ''  ??

oh I forgot about this  too.. anything for a solution about joins using a mobile #?

 You haven't had a join because the join form is broken. I also have not had a new member since I installed the 7.1 final.

Here's an interesting find Deano. In testing, I tried to create a new account using the Facebook connect. The date picker also does not work but your mod populates the field ok. Having said that, I filled in all the necessary details to complete the task and clicking the submit button did nothing.

Here's the kicker. I then went to the top of the page and clicked the 'login' button so I could log back in as admin. The login was successful BUT the site redirected me BACK to the failed join form? ... Hosted by!
27 Jan 2013





Just wondering if age checking and blank nicknames has been fixed??


Age checking has been added to the next version, but i am still trying to track down the problem with the nicknames. So far i have still not been able to reproduce it to find out whats happening.

 thanks... not sure if there anything I can give to you to help... it's been a couple days now and I haven't had one join... I cam semd you the debug DB error messages that are associated with the Insert NickName ''  ??

oh I forgot about this  too.. anything for a solution about joins using a mobile #?

 You haven't had a join because the join form is broken. I also have not had a new member since I installed the 7.1 final.

Here's an interesting find Deano. In testing, I tried to create a new account using the Facebook connect. The date picker also does not work but your mod populates the field ok. Having said that, I filled in all the necessary details to complete the task and clicking the submit button did nothing.

Here's the kicker. I then went to the top of the page and clicked the 'login' button so I could log back in as admin. The login was successful BUT the site redirected me BACK to the failed join form?

I am guessing you have facebook connect populating the dolphin join form instead of creating the account itself. If so. Once that is done, control is passed back to dolphin. So that would be a issue with dolphin and dolphin handles the signup as if a normal user is filling out the join form. Facebook connect has no control at that point.
27 Jan 2013



 You haven't had a join because the join form is broken. I also have not had a new member since I installed the 7.1 final.


 I meant join with a blank username. several hundred people join everyday on my site but I'm still on 7.0.9. The module works great :)

27 Jan 2013


anything for a solution about joins using a mobile #?

 this is a bit off Deanos topic but I would like some explanation of what this ticket is about..

facebook login suport in mobile app

Deano, what does this mean?

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
27 Jan 2013



anything for a solution about joins using a mobile #?

 this is a bit off Deanos topic but I would like some explanation of what this ticket is about..

facebook login suport in mobile app

Deano, what does this mean?

 I think they have added some kind of support on their facebook module for mobile apps. Which i have not done yet. And it will be a while before i do. I have no way of testing stuff like that right now as i do not own any devices that run the apps.
27 Jan 2013


ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
27 Jan 2013

Hi Deano,

how can I do it that people can only join via connect with facebook?

I want to give it a try cos I have my site ass facebook app and many people still fill the join form cos they think this is the way to join.

Thank you in advance :-)

Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
1 Feb 2013


Hi Deano,

how can I do it that people can only join via connect with facebook?

I want to give it a try cos I have my site ass facebook app and many people still fill the join form cos they think this is the way to join.

Thank you in advance :-)

This question is not a issue with my module. So this is the wrong forum for this question.

You need to remove join.php and all links on the site that link to that join form.

If you need help doing that then present the question in the dolphin 7.0 or 7.1 forum depending on your version of dolphin.

It may also be be helpful to design your own facebook connect button that says join with facebook connect or some other wording.

It's just a matter of proper layout of the site to lead people to the facebook connect button instead of the join button.
1 Feb 2013

 Thanks Deano I will do that :-)


Hi Deano,

how can I do it that people can only join via connect with facebook?

I want to give it a try cos I have my site ass facebook app and many people still fill the join form cos they think this is the way to join.

Thank you in advance :-)

This question is not a issue with my module. So this is the wrong forum for this question.

You need to remove join.php and all links on the site that link to that join form.

If you need help doing that then present the question in the dolphin 7.0 or 7.1 forum depending on your version of dolphin.

It may also be be helpful to design your own facebook connect button that says join with facebook connect or some other wording.

It's just a matter of proper layout of the site to lead people to the facebook connect button instead of the join button.


Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
2 Feb 2013

I just updated my to the most current version of this. My prior set up worked fine. I did a backup as suggested before installation. Everything appeared to go smooth. Once I tried to use the updated service I got the following error message after trying to use your facebook connect link. Here is what I get.

Error. Missing PHP Extension.

Test for proper operstion of curl failed with the following message.

Failed to connect to Permission denied

That address belongs to facebook. I went through a process of adding a trusted certificate for an untrusted source but still get the same message. The above error message is shown when using this link

4 Feb 2013


I just updated my to the most current version of this. My prior set up worked fine. I did a backup as suggested before installation. Everything appeared to go smooth. Once I tried to use the updated service I got the following error message after trying to use your facebook connect link. Here is what I get.

Error. Missing PHP Extension.

Test for proper operstion of curl failed with the following message.

Failed to connect to Permission denied

That address belongs to facebook. I went through a process of adding a trusted certificate for an untrusted source but still get the same message.

It means it's testing for curl has failed. If you are sure curl is actually installed which is required for facebook connect to work, then you can disable the check by making the following modification.

Open modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/classes/BxDbcsFaceBookConnectModule.php

At about line 1218 remove this section of code.

        // check curl
        if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
            echo $this -> _oTemplate -> getPage( _t( '_dbcs_fb_erh' ), MsgBox( _t( '_dbcs_fb_erc' ) ) );

Then at line 1228 remove this section of code.

        // Check for proper operation of curl
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL,'' );
        curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt ($ch,CURLOPT_VERBOSE,false);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
        $sPage = curl_exec($ch);
        $sCurlError = curl_error($ch);
        if ($sPage === false) {
            echo $this -> _oTemplate -> getPage( _t( '_dbcs_fb_erh' ), MsgBox( _t( '_dbcs_fb_curl_test_failed', $sCurlError ) ) );

I however find it difficult to believe that it functioned fine before.

Check with host tools in dolphin and see if it reports a problem with curl. I put these test in because of the number of hosts that don't have curl installed.

You host may have also made updates to the server recently without you knowledge and curl was removed during those updates.

So before removing any of those sections, actually try to verify that curl is actually there and was not removed by your host.

Also the connect failed indicates it also could not open that facebook address. I suspect something has changed on your server and if it cannot connect to to the graph api at facebook then facebook connect will not work.
4 Feb 2013

A internet search on that error indicates it could also be a problem with SELINUX which should not be enabled on servers.

I suspect something has changed on your server and even if you disable those checks i believe you will find it still will not work because curl is not functioning correctly and cannot talk to facebooks servers.
4 Feb 2013

I am currently awaiting a response from my hosting provider. I did only comment out the sections you mentioned rather than remove them. I now get the following error.


Error validating access token. Attempts to auto correct failed.
Clear your browsers cookies and cache and try again.

Well see what my host says.

4 Feb 2013

Everything has been fixed. Thanks for your advice. My host offers what is called a outgoing connections manager. I recently moved servers. After moving servers the connection manager was turned back without my knowing it. I've had a few things not working because of that and never knew it. All is well. Thanks again.

4 Feb 2013

I can't figure out how to import anything from FB.  I think that I set it up correctly.  I created the FB app and can enter my FB username during the join.  I can also then log-in with FB under the log-in type.

But I can't figure out how to important photos or get any additional data to link.

Also, is there a "Join with FB" icon or logo that we can use?

5 Feb 2013

Yes there are buttons.

Read the install instructions. In there are instructions on how to install the buttons.

As for the photos. I will need to see a screen shot of how you have the module setup so i know what options you have turned on.
5 Feb 2013

Oh and BTW. If your looking to import photos after signup or for existing accounts then you can't. The photo import feature is part of the join process only. It does not have options to import anything for existing accounts.
5 Feb 2013

Deano, have you had a chance to look at the "February 6th Breaking Changes" for facebook apps? Do we need to change anything in our app setting to comply with these?

5 Feb 2013


Deano, have you had a chance to look at the "February 6th Breaking Changes" for facebook apps? Do we need to change anything in our app setting to comply with these?

Everything has been tested. The mod is fine. No updates required.
5 Feb 2013

 Thanks, I read the install instructions and got some of it to work but not others.  I've attached three image.  The first is of my settings.  The second is what the login looks like on the home page.  And the third is what it looks like on every other page.  Why is it not showing correctly on the home page?

Yes there are buttons.

Read the install instructions. In there are instructions on how to install the buttons.

As for the photos. I will need to see a screen shot of how you have the module setup so i know what options you have turned on.


Picture1.png · 498K · 432 views
Picture2.png · 518.1K · 442 views
Picture3.png · 143.2K · 481 views
5 Feb 2013


 Thanks, I read the install instructions and got some of it to work but not others.  I've attached three image.  The first is of my settings.  The second is what the login looks like on the home page.  And the third is what it looks like on every other page.  Why is it not showing correctly on the home page?

Yes there are buttons.

Read the install instructions. In there are instructions on how to install the buttons.

As for the photos. I will need to see a screen shot of how you have the module setup so i know what options you have turned on.


 As for your home page problem. I cannot explain that. Have never seen it before. Only suggestion is to verify the code change you did.

Restore the backup and make sure the problem was not there before you installed the button.

As for the photo import. I noticed you have changed the default settings as shown in the first screen shot. You have set the the default active status to use Dolphins defaults. With that settings if dolphin is configured to either require email confirmation of admin approval before accounts will become active then you cannot use any of the photo import settings. Photo import does not work on inactive accounts.

You should have testing the module in it's default state so you can see how it works before you started adjusting settings.

First, restore your backup of and then see if your popup login box on the front page returns to normal. If it does, then try the button modification again. If you continue to have problems i will need to see the code where you made the change including 10 lines both above and below the change. But it appears it may be some incompatibility with the template. I have never see that problem before.
5 Feb 2013

Yup. The logon block on the home page as well as all the blocks under it are also not quite right. The right margin is messed. You made a error in the code change. That is the only explanation.
5 Feb 2013

 I've tried a few different ways to import photos with no success. I even restored and redid the editing of the pages.  I'm still getting the shifting to the left on the home page for login.  I've attached my and login_join.html.

I'm not using the standard splash so I'm not able to use this portion, but I'd like to if possible:

If your running the 7.1 splash image with the default welcome to the community
message and buttons and want the fb connect button there as well then go
into admin->settings->basic settings. Go to the splash area and uncheck Enable HTML Editor:

Look for this code.

<div class="bx-splash-action bx-def-padding-sec-topbottom" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;">

Add this right after it.

<div style="background-image: url('modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/templates/base/images/fbconnectbutsm.png'); width: 103px; height: 39px; float: left; margin-right: 2px; cursor: pointer;" onclick=" ('modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form','_self');"></div>


Yup. The logon block on the home page as well as all the blocks under it are also not quite right. The right margin is messed. You made a error in the code change. That is the only explanation. · 17.4K · 426 downloads
login_join.html · 951B · 502 downloads
5 Feb 2013



I'm not using the standard splash so I'm not able to use this portion, but I'd like to if possible:

If your not running the splash, than you can't use that code.

As for the rest. I do not know the cause. I will need access to figure out whats going on. There must be a issue with the template causing that.

FTP and dolphin admin access will be needed. You can send in PM.
6 Feb 2013

I just tested FB connect on your site. You apparently have the option to send facebook info to the dolphin join form on.

With that setting on, all of the other settings under it are ignored. It will not matter what they are set for. Photos are not imported with that setting on.

I recommend you uninstall the FB module and reinstall it to restore the defaults. Then just turn on the photo import option. Nothing else until we get these issues sorted out.
6 Feb 2013




I'm not using the standard splash so I'm not able to use this portion, but I'd like to if possible:

If your not running the splash, than you can't use that code.

As for the rest. I do not know the cause. I will need access to figure out whats going on. There must be a issue with the template causing that.

FTP and dolphin admin access will be needed. You can send in PM.

 Thanks, message sent.

6 Feb 2013

Dean - You're awesome, thanks.

6 Feb 2013

For those following this thread. The issue was fixed.

Turns out to be a misunderstanding of the import feature.

The display issues were determined to be the result of a 3'rd party banner rotator that included a copy of jquery that conflicted with the one boonex provides.

So i caution everyone to check scripts you find on the internet to make sure they don't try to load another copy of jquery before you use them on your site.
6 Feb 2013

Deano, does the profile nag feature still work for non-facebook members? Before I installed version 4.1.2, the profile_info_required.php page would be shown even for non-facebook members who had missing required fields. Now, it doesn't seem like the page is displayed even for members who connect via the plugin. (At least it seems like the NagTime field of the dbcs_facebook_connect table is 0 for all entries including the ones I just tried.)

Also, when I looked at the code for the module, it looks like the updateNagTime() function is never being called.... 

14 Feb 2013


Deano, does the profile nag feature still work for non-facebook members? Before I installed version 4.1.2, the profile_info_required.php page would be shown even for non-facebook members who had missing required fields. Now, it doesn't seem like the page is displayed even for members who connect via the plugin. (At least it seems like the NagTime field of the dbcs_facebook_connect table is 0 for all entries including the ones I just tried.)

Also, when I looked at the code for the module, it looks like the updateNagTime() function is never being called.... 

The update nag time function is not used anymore within the module. The update is now done from the nag page itself which is profile_info_required.php which should be installed in the root of your site.

It also nags all users. Not just the facebook ones.

I tested the nag on my site, and it works fine.

I would suggest you uninstall and reinstall. The injection that's triggered when visiting the index page may not be installed or working.
14 Feb 2013



Deano, does the profile nag feature still work for non-facebook members? Before I installed version 4.1.2, the profile_info_required.php page would be shown even for non-facebook members who had missing required fields. Now, it doesn't seem like the page is displayed even for members who connect via the plugin. (At least it seems like the NagTime field of the dbcs_facebook_connect table is 0 for all entries including the ones I just tried.)

Also, when I looked at the code for the module, it looks like the updateNagTime() function is never being called.... 

The update nag time function is not used anymore within the module. The update is now done from the nag page itself which is profile_info_required.php which should be installed in the root of your site.

It also nags all users. Not just the facebook ones.

I tested the nag on my site, and it works fine.

I would suggest you uninstall and reinstall. The injection that's triggered when visiting the index page may not be installed or working.

 I'm getting ready to implement your google connect module. Will the nag screen on it clash with the facebook screen, and should I uninstall/reinstall facebook and then the google module, or would installing the google module fix the problem entirely?

14 Feb 2013

They will not clash. The way it works is if google connect detects that facebook connect is installed it will use that nag instead of the google one. So only one of them will run.

If the facebook one is set to disabled.(0) then the google one will be used.

So you can switch to the google nag by disabling the facebook one.
14 Feb 2013

Its showing country as US even if the user who joined is from india... an old problem reappeared.
1 Mar 2013

Hi Deano, 


just wonder if you were able to come up with a fix for user's joining that don't fit the age requirements?

I'll note that since upgrading to 7.1, the joins with blank usernames have stopped as well as the errors from MYSQL saying the account was attempted to be created twice (duplicate error).


1 Mar 2013

Would have been nice if you mentioned your issues with duplicates went away. I was still trying to hunt that down.

I will get the new version released in a few days.
3 Mar 2013


Its showing country as US even if the user who joined is from india... an old problem reappeared.

Is the geo tracking option on? It's not 100% possible to determine exact location. Its not a field available from the facebook api, so only way to determine it is through geo location which is why i added that as a option to the newer versions.

Or you can turn geo location off and use a default. 100% accuracy is not possible.
3 Mar 2013



Its showing country as US even if the user who joined is from india... an old problem reappeared.

Is the geo tracking option on? It's not 100% possible to determine exact location. Its not a field available from the facebook api, so only way to determine it is through geo location which is why i added that as a option to the newer versions.

Or you can turn geo location off and use a default. 100% accuracy is not possible.

 Its on but my default country is IN. so it should show india if it cant track location!! correct?
3 Mar 2013


The default is only used if geo ip is off.
3 Mar 2013
3 Mar 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.