Advanced Polls Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Advanced Polls mod.

Paypal email is -
15 Dec 2011

I installed Advanced Poll 2.0.0 on a clean install of Dolphin 7.0.9 and now get this in my admin email every 5 minutes... 

Fatal error: Call to a member function processPolls() on a non-object in
/home/bcmount0/public_html/modules/modzzz/polls/classes/BxPollsCron.php on line 43
31 Jan 2012

 Please PM me your site details so I can take a look. I am unable to replicate that issue in Dolphin 7.0.9

I installed Advanced Poll 2.0.0 on a clean install of Dolphin 7.0.9 and now get this in my admin email every 5 minutes... 

Fatal error: Call to a member function processPolls() on a non-object in
/home/bcmount0/public_html/modules/modzzz/polls/classes/BxPollsCron.php on line 43


Paypal email is -
31 Jan 2012

Fixed... my fault... not installed properly.
1 Feb 2012

Version 2.0.1 released. (See patches/version_2.0.1 folder in zip file)

Adds the ability to allow visitors to vote.

Paypal email is -
9 Mar 2012

I installed version 2.0.1 patch and it appears the SQL update did not work for me.  During testing, I created 5 polls based on the admin options view / vote / comment... setting the three options to:

public / public / public ......................... problems:  public cannot vote[1], public cannot comment[2]

public / public / members ................... problems: public cannot poll vote[1] 

public / members / public ................... problems: public has a "Vote" button, public cannot comment[2]

public / members / members ............ problems: public has a "Vote" button

members / members / members ..... problems: public has a "Private" image... better to hide it completely, members... only the first 4 polls display on Polls Home page (settings are >4) while all 5 display on calendar... where I cannot vote on Polls page but can on individual poll page.


[1] "vote" (generic) is disabled... does this override an 'enabled' poll voting?

[2] "comments post" (generic) is disabled... does this override an 'enabled' poll comments?

Settings in Admin > Settings > Membership Levels:

Non-members: browse, search, view poll, vote

Basic members: browse, search, view poll, vote

Other issues:

- (in my humble opinion) there should be a setting to control who can see voters, e.g. [ public, members, voters, admins ]  

- I created a new category within "Add Poll" form but it does not show up in the Poll Categories list block... yet Polls Admin settings allows auto accept new categories.  

- During mouseover of Vote and Results buttons... the cursor does not turn into a pointing-finger.
13 Mar 2012

When the Polls block is placed in the right-side column on the homepage I noticed he display is "broken".  For example, the category information is not displayed in the visible block area.  Please see attached image.


polls-display-issue.png · 38.1K · 479 views
28 Mar 2012

Ignore this support request... I can tweak the template to get it to fit. Cool

When the Polls block is placed in the right-side column on the homepage I noticed he display is "broken".  For example, the category information is not displayed in the visible block area.  Please see attached image.
28 Mar 2012

1) After voting (without refreshing the page) when the results are checked the vote just made is not accounted for.

2) In Firefox 11 (but not in Chrome 18), after voting and without refreshing, if you click on vote again this error occurs:

Found error in the file '/home/bcmount0/public_html/modules/modzzz/polls/classes/BxPollsDb.php' at line 187.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.

3) there is no 'pointer' icon when over the buttons in the Poll block, i.e. the standard indication the mouse is over a button, is not displayed.  I mentioned this in a previous post.
12 Apr 2012

 Same here on my site too.


1) After voting (without refreshing the page) when the results are checked the vote just made is not accounted for.

2) In Firefox 11 (but not in Chrome 18), after voting and without refreshing, if you click on vote again this error occurs:

Found error in the file '/home/bcmount0/public_html/modules/modzzz/polls/classes/BxPollsDb.php' at line 187.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.

3) there is no 'pointer' icon when over the buttons in the Poll block, i.e. the standard indication the mouse is over a button, is not displayed.  I mentioned this in a previous post.


25 Apr 2012

2) In Firefox 11 (but not in Chrome 18), after voting and without refreshing, if you click on vote again this error occurs:

RESPONSE : I have been unable to replicate this on the demo site. Please PM me your URL so I can do a check on it.

1) After voting (without refreshing the page) when the results are checked the vote just made is not accounted for.

2) In Firefox 11 (but not in Chrome 18), after voting and without refreshing, if you click on vote again this error occurs:

Found error in the file '/home/bcmount0/public_html/modules/modzzz/polls/classes/BxPollsDb.php' at line 187.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.

3) there is no 'pointer' icon when over the buttons in the Poll block, i.e. the standard indication the mouse is over a button, is not displayed.  I mentioned this in a previous post.


Paypal email is -
25 Apr 2012

UPDATE:  I uninstalled & reinstalled the "Advanced Polls" module then tested it again with the latest Firefox... now version 12.  There is no database error.  The "pointer" issue still exists but is far from urgent so can wait for the next update.
25 Apr 2012

Version 2.0.2 released. (See patches/version_2.0.2 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue with duplicate voting.

Paypal email is -
3 May 2012

This mod is now updated for Dolphin 7.1

Paypal email is -
24 Feb 2013

Might be my site but I have a few problems.. I just installed the polls mod and un-installed the boonex one. In the homepage the polls block does not show. And then in the polls index page(m/polls/browse/recent) you can not vote. You have to goto the poll(m/polls/view/What-Was-The-Inspiration-For-Your-Tattoo-s) instead to vote.. It does work if you goto that poll.

31 Mar 2013

Well scratch my last post.. Some of it anyways.. The polls are now showing up on the homepage. But in firefox you can not vote on the homepage? Still can not vote on: /m/polls/browse/recent but seems you can on the rest of the pages.. Also my: m/polls/administration/settings now says page cannot be found?

1 Apr 2013

Also get this in the sitemap:

Warning: require_once(/home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/modules/modzzz/polls/classes/BxPollsSiteMaps.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/inc/classes/BxDolSiteMaps.php on line 76

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/modules/modzzz/polls/classes/BxPollsSiteMaps.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php5/lib/pear') in /home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/inc/classes/BxDolSiteMaps.php on line 76

1 Apr 2013

Download the mod again and re-upload all files to your server.

Also get this in the sitemap:

Warning: require_once(/home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/modules/modzzz/polls/classes/BxPollsSiteMaps.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/inc/classes/BxDolSiteMaps.php on line 76

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/modules/modzzz/polls/classes/BxPollsSiteMaps.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php5/lib/pear') in /home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/inc/classes/BxDolSiteMaps.php on line 76


Paypal email is -
1 Apr 2013


Download the mod again and re-upload all files to your server.

Also get this in the sitemap:

Warning: require_once(/home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/modules/modzzz/polls/classes/BxPollsSiteMaps.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/inc/classes/BxDolSiteMaps.php on line 76

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/modules/modzzz/polls/classes/BxPollsSiteMaps.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php5/lib/pear') in /home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/inc/classes/BxDolSiteMaps.php on line 76


 Well that fixed the sitemap problem.. I think the only problem I have now is in the /m/polls/browse/recent.. You can not vote on that page? Least with Firefox.. Did not try any other browsers yet..

2 Apr 2013

 Not just sitemaps. All the issues were fixed. I personally logged onto your site and verified that the voting is now working.


Download the mod again and re-upload all files to your server.

Also get this in the sitemap:

Warning: require_once(/home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/modules/modzzz/polls/classes/BxPollsSiteMaps.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/inc/classes/BxDolSiteMaps.php on line 76

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/modules/modzzz/polls/classes/BxPollsSiteMaps.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php5/lib/pear') in /home/bodyartgrafix/bodyartgrafix/inc/classes/BxDolSiteMaps.php on line 76


 Well that fixed the sitemap problem.. I think the only problem I have now is in the /m/polls/browse/recent.. You can not vote on that page? Least with Firefox.. Did not try any other browsers yet..


Paypal email is -
2 Apr 2013

Yes you can vote but not on some pages. Or it might be firefox. Will look into it more after work. Thanks Modzzz

2 Apr 2013

Yep sorry it works.. Had to clean my browser.. Thanks Modzzz..

3 Apr 2013

Is there a way for the poll block on homepage to be random? So that way it is not just the same polls showing all the time?

11 Apr 2013

Hello, I've just bought your Advanced Polls (transaction ID in my PM to you), but I'm unable to download the installation pack no matter what. :(

Edit: Matter resolved, I think it was the first time I had to actually wait before downloading a module, lol.

23 Apr 2013

So it's not needed to uninstall Boonex Polls before installing this?

23 Apr 2013

Also, once installed what happens with the older (pre-install) polls? Are they inherited or lost?

23 Apr 2013

1) Both mods cannot co-exist.

2) No data is preserved from the old mod.

Also, once installed what happens with the older (pre-install) polls? Are they inherited or lost?


Paypal email is -
23 Apr 2013

That's what I thought.

However, there's not a word in your install instructions to remove the Boonex mod (as the first step, I presume?). So just to make certain, I remove Boonex then I install yours, right?

23 Apr 2013


That's what I thought.

However, there's not a word in your install instructions to remove the Boonex mod (as the first step, I presume?). So just to make certain, I remove Boonex then I install yours, right?


Paypal email is -
23 Apr 2013

1. I have uninstalled Boonex Poll

2. Installed Advanced Poll

3. The admin profile I'm logged in works, however

4. When I try to open my site in other browsers as a guest, it's giving me:

Warning: require_once(/home/---/public_html/modules/classes/Config.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/---/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolModule.php on line 77

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/---/public_html/modules/classes/Config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in/home/---/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolModule.php on line 77

No matter what I do, clear cache, clear cache manually on the server and in browsers (Chrome, IE, Safari), the same error stops from viewing the site. Two things I'm not getting, why the profile I'm logged in works fine (but I afraid to log off) and in public_html there is no classes folder in modules??

P.S.: The error is still there even when I uninstalled your Polls and cleared cache. Then I re-installed Boonex Poll - still with the error!

2. I've tried proxy, also these are giving me guest page with the error, so the site is unviewable!

24 Apr 2013

Ooops, seems like the error was made when trying to uninstall Global Localization Lite mod, that one gave me errors during uninstall so when I had re-installed it back, the site works again. Hooray! :)

24 Apr 2013

Funny, I need to have Boonex Poll mod INSTALLED, because otherwise member.php is giving me database red nasty error message. Which I could live with, but I wonder if it could be made spotless here? :)

24 Apr 2013

As mentioned before, both Poll mods cannot co-exist. You have a dependency issue on your site that needs to be resolved. PM me the site details so I can look at it and figure out what other resource is tied to the default Polls and what solution you need to implement.

Funny, I need to have Boonex Poll mod INSTALLED, because otherwise member.php is giving me database red nasty error message. Which I could live with, but I wonder if it could be made spotless here? :)


Paypal email is -
24 Apr 2013

What is dependency issue? :)

24 Apr 2013

 Dependency means that there are custom mods/features on your site that are attached to the default Polls mod and you need to reconfigure them to point to the new Polls mod instead.

What is dependency issue? :)


Paypal email is -
24 Apr 2013

Custom most probably, at least EVO Wall and 1col spring to my mind right away. :)

Ok, to the functionality now. As you can see from the attachment (in Firefox), neither the categories or the poll choice get that plus button to have more choices or categories to add. That's not good.

Another attachment shows the same add poll page, but this time from another profile and in Chrome. Categories have the buttons to add more, though the Poll Choice still doesn't. Mystery.

add_poll_firefox.png · 58.2K · 473 views
add_poll_chrome.png · 21.8K · 480 views
24 Apr 2013

I just installed the polls on the new site and added a poll.. When I did I added a image and got this:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method BxPhotosUploader::_updateExtraParams() in /home/chambert/public_html/modules/boonex/photos/classes/BxPhotosUploader.php on line 465

But the poll still posted without the image..

26 Apr 2013

Default dolphin does not have a _updateExtraParams function at line 465 in BxPhotosUploader.php . It seems you have some customization done to the site that is interfering with normal photo upload process.

I just installed the polls on the new site and added a poll.. When I did I added a image and got this:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method BxPhotosUploader::_updateExtraParams() in /home/chambert/public_html/modules/boonex/photos/classes/BxPhotosUploader.php on line 465

But the poll still posted without the image..


Paypal email is -
27 Apr 2013

i never did any file edits to it.. And it was a clean install? Huh.. will see what happens then..

27 Apr 2013

Polls weren't showing buttons to add more answers or categories. After applying it works.


However, I cannot access Settings in the admin area, it says page not found. I've checked classes and base folders and seems no file is missing because of some upload error. Mystery.


Also, since I have no way how to adjust settings, polls go to Pending Approval and when trying to Activate them, clicking on the activation button does nothing (in the admin area). Annoying (mystery).

28 Apr 2013

 PM me your FTP and Admin login and I will check the source of the issue.

i never did any file edits to it.. And it was a clean install? Huh.. will see what happens then..


Paypal email is -
28 Apr 2013

This problem is caused because default boonex polls was un-installed after this mod was installed and it removed some database components. This is one of the reasons why I said both mods cannot co-exist. PM me your phpmyadmin details and I will correct the database.

Polls weren't showing buttons to add more answers or categories. After applying it works.


However, I cannot access Settings in the admin area, it says page not found. I've checked classes and base folders and seems no file is missing because of some upload error. Mystery.


Also, since I have no way how to adjust settings, polls go to Pending Approval and when trying to Activate them, clicking on the activation button does nothing (in the admin area). Annoying (mystery).


Paypal email is -
28 Apr 2013

Wouldn't it better just to uninstall your Polls, after that install and uninstall Boonex mod and finally re-install yours? :)

Or, tell me what database to look for and what to change and I can do it manually myself? At least, I'll learn something that way? :p

29 Apr 2013

Several adjustments have been made to this mod. Please re-upload all files and clear cache.

Paypal email is -
31 Aug 2013

Version 2.0.3 released. (See patches/version_2.0.3 folder in zip file)

Added the ability for Admin to choose to display member thumbnails or Poll main photo when displaying Poll listings.

Paypal email is -
29 Dec 2013

Version 2.0.4 released. (See patches/version_2.0.4 folder in zip file)

The casting of votes functionality has been revised.

Paypal email is -
23 May 2014


Version 2.0.4 released. (See patches/version_2.0.4 folder in zip file)

The casting of votes functionality has been revised.

 Could you explain how ? just curious of course.

24 May 2014

 Usability remains the same. The revision was code-based.


Version 2.0.4 released. (See patches/version_2.0.4 folder in zip file)

The casting of votes functionality has been revised.

 Could you explain how ? just curious of course.


Paypal email is -
27 May 2014

Version 2.0.5 released. (See patches/version_2.0.5 folder in zip file)

Added the ability prevent editing of Polls after voting has started.

Paypal email is -
27 Jul 2014

An issue where poll results are not shown sometimes has been resolved. Re-upload the modules/modzzz/polls/classes folder.

Paypal email is -
29 Jul 2014
22 Aug 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.