Thank you for downloading BoonEx software!
If you haven't done it yet, now is a good time to buy a license and choose hosting provider.
You can download and install Dolphin Pro Trial for free to evaluate all the features. When you buy a license, you can register Dolphin without re-installing your site.
There is life after download.
Dolphn.Pro is a sophisticated platform, with Media Server, Video Converter, photo processing, mail delivery tools and advanced database. So, it is recommended to choose a professional hosting provider. We suggest these great Dolphin.Pro hosting providers.
When you buy a license we can install Dolphin.Pro to your server. Just send us an installation request. You can also install it yourself following our installation guide or use one of recommended hosts that provide auto-install tool.
You only need to buy the license once. Version upgrades, mobile apps and all features are included. For just $2800 you save years of development work.
To register a Dolphin.Pro license login to your site's Admin panel and go to Dashboard > License. Specify the license number to be registered in the field: "Register a new license" and click "Register". The license numbers you've purchased can be found in your Boonex Account.